Reasons to Rent a Restroom Trailer

If you’re looking for a portable toilet rental that offers more options for your guests than standard porta potties do, consider renting restroom trailers. These are aesthetically pleasing, all-in-one units that can be used by everyone from construction workers to wedding guests. Contact Rent A Restroom Trailer now!

There are several reasons to rent a restroom trailer, including:

Unlike traditional portable toilets, restroom trailers are designed to feel more like luxury bathrooms than temporary facilities. They have flush toilets, running water sinks, climate control, and a variety of other amenities to make your guests comfortable during an event or worksite. They’ll be less likely to leave your event early when they can use the bathroom and wash their hands in a clean, modern toilet.

If you’re hosting a wedding or other formal event, a restroom trailer can elevate the experience. Instead of being stuck in a smelly, rudimentary porta potty, your guests can wash their hands, freshen up, or help a toddler in comfort and style. This can make an event more enjoyable for your guests and create a better impression of your brand.

For example, our two-station Comfort-Series restroom trailer has separate men’s and women’s stalls with locking doors, flushing toilets, vanity sinks, and a full range of amenities. It’s the perfect choice for large events or a backyard party. All restroom trailers arrive on-site clean, sanitized, and smell great.

The good news is that restroom trailer rentals are much more affordable than standard porta potties. Plus, you’ll save even more money if you rent on a weekly basis rather than just for one day.

To get started, determine your restroom trailer rental needs. How many stalls do you need? This will depend on the number of people attending your event. A good rule of thumb is to have one toilet stall for every 25 people. For larger events, you may want to consider having more stalls available.

In addition, you’ll need to consider any additional amenities that you might need. For example, if you’re hosting a wedding and need to have restrooms that match the style of the big day, consider getting a restroom trailer for rent with luxury features like running water, heated floors, air conditioning, and more.

A restroom shower combination trailer is another great option if you need to provide guests with a place to wash up and refresh. These trailers have showers, sinks, and toilets so guests can freshen up after using the bathroom. These are also great choices for long-term rental needs, such as construction sites or disaster relief areas.

If you have a large event or construction project, you may need portable restrooms to keep everyone comfortable. While standard porta potties are okay, restroom trailers offer more room and come with air conditioning and heating systems that can make the experience much better for your guests. Plus, they can also be customized with various toilet and sink options to suit your specific needs.

You can rent a restroom trailer for a weekend, a week, or longer, depending on the duration of your needs. They are also easy to move around, as they’re on wheels and are connected to a hydraulic lift in the back of the truck. All you need is a flat, clean surface to place the trailer.

If you’re looking for a bathroom that offers more style and luxury, consider renting a VIP restroom trailer. These trailers have separate men’s and women’s stalls, A/C and heat, flushing toilets, and hot and cold running sinks. They also feature TVs, WIFI, and restroom attendants. Adding these upgrades will increase your costs but add to the comfort of your guests.

Accessible restroom trailers are ADA-compliant, making them an excellent choice for events that require accessibility for disabled guests. They feature wider doors, larger interiors, and handrails to ensure that disabled guests can use them safely. Typically, rental companies will have several ADA portable toilets available to meet the needs of your disabled guests.

Unlike standard porta potties, which can be dark at night and inconvenient for guests who need to use them, restroom trailers are well lit and look more like indoor bathrooms. They also come equipped with flush toilets and sinks that provide a more comfortable experience for your guests.

In addition to providing an improved bathroom experience, restroom trailers also help prevent long lines at your event. This can be a major problem at outdoor events, as guests may feel uncomfortable waiting in line for the bathroom. By renting multiple restroom trailers, you can prevent long lines and ensure that everyone has access to the facilities they need.

Offers a variety of restroom trailers for rent, including luxury options. These units are perfect for high-end events such as weddings, fundraisers, or concerts. They feature separate men’s and women’s restrooms, each of which includes three or more fully enclosed private bathroom stalls. In addition, they include a vanity area with two porcelain sink basins and filled antibacterial soap dispensers.

The process is straightforward. You rent a restroom trailer from an event rental company and have it delivered to your event location by truck. It can be set up on a flat surface and is easy to maneuver. Some models have additional features such as showers and changing rooms. Some also meet ADA requirements to ensure inclusivity. You can even choose from luxury options that include marble counters and wood walls.

You can use a portable restroom trailer to accommodate guests at outdoor weddings, music festivals, church bazaars, food trucks events and other special occasions. They are a great alternative to port-a-potties, providing guests with a more comfortable experience and eliminating the gross blue water and waste pit.

Restroom trailers can be rented for a day, a weekend, a week or longer. If you are using them for an extended period, it’s a good idea to schedule regular maintenance services to keep the toilets clean and functioning properly. It’s also important to remember to empty the grey and black tanks frequently. Otherwise, they will fill up and start to smell.

If you’re hosting a big event, a restroom trailer is a great way to offer guests a luxurious bathroom experience. They’re more spacious than standard porta potties and have amenities like flush toilets, running water, and climate control. Plus, they can be customized to match the theme of your event.

If your business has a lot of foot traffic, restroom trailers are also an excellent option. They’re easy to install and can help reduce your waste management costs. And because they’re portable, you can easily transport them from one location to another when needed.

Often, restroom trailers are used at parks for events or during construction projects. They’re also useful in disaster zones where the local infrastructure may have been destroyed. In addition to being portable, restroom trailers are also relatively low maintenance. Just make sure to have a vehicle that can tow them and a place to empty their grey and black tanks (which need to be emptied every couple of days).

When hosting an event, the restrooms must match the aesthetic of the entire event. A luxury portable bathroom trailer is the perfect way to do just that. Not only do they look more sophisticated than a standard port-a-potty, but they also feature amenities like flushing toilets and air conditioning that will make your guests feel comfortable and relaxed.

When it comes to setting up your restroom trailer, you’ll want to ensure that it has access to an electrical outlet. This is essential for powering things like the air conditioner and pumps. It’s also a good idea to place the trailer near your event location, as it will be easier for your guests to get to.

Another thing to keep in mind when setting up your restroom trailer is that it will need a water source. This isn’t as big of a deal as it might sound, however. Instead of requiring a large water hook-up, most luxury restroom trailers can run off of a standard garden hose and spigot. In addition, most providers will bring along water-holding tanks that can be set up right by your trailer to keep it stocked with fresh water.